Issues Coronavirus Message to Families | Lackawanna College

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President Mark Volk Issues Coronavirus Message to Parents and Families

Lackawanna College President Mark Volk has released a new message to parents and families regarding the decision to move all instruction online at the conclusion of the extended Spring Break for the main campus and all Centers Monday, March 23 through Sunday, April 5:

Dear Families:

Recognizing that your student may not always keep you up to date, I felt it was important to let you know what’s happening as we try to deal proactively to the situation resulting from the spread of Covid-19. Lackawanna College is not aware of any confirmed cases of COVID-19 among our community of students, faculty or staff.

As you know, Spring Break was extended until Sunday, March 22 to allow the College to monitor the situation, take guidance from Federal and State authorities and to continue crafting its plan. Based on that rapidly changing environment we have decided on the following:

Classes at all Lackawanna College campuses will be moving to online instruction at the conclusion of the extended Spring Break. The current plan is that online instruction will take place from Monday, March 23 through Sunday, April 5. Subterm 2 online courses will begin on Monday, March 16 as scheduled.

We will make a decision about either completing the remainder of the semester on-line or returning to traditional face-to-face classes sometime prior to April 5th and will send out that information.

As a reminder, resident students are NOT TO RETURN to the dormitories unless given specific permission by Student Affairs.

The College’s administrative operations, including all student support offices, such as Student Wellness, tutoring, etc., remain open and available to students. Also, computer labs with internet access will continue to be available to students.

We recognize that this is a challenging time for students and families. We are all dealing with issues and challenges not faced in many generations. The constantly changing landscape and regulatory guidance make it imperative that we work together, have patience with each other and all work towards the same goal: the safety and security of our College Community – students, faculty and staff. Please know that we are here for you and will work closely with students to help them through this time of uncertainty.

We will continue to communicate any updates.

The best tool for the most up-to-date information is our website and we encourage you to visit:


Mark Volk