Spring Break in Response to Coronavirus | Lackawanna College

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Lackawanna College Extends Spring Break in Response to Coronavirus

SCRANTON, Pa. – March 11, 2020 – Lackawanna College President Mark Volk sent the following message to the College community regarding the extension of spring break by a week for Lackawanna College students at the main campus and all centers amid coronavirus concerns in Pennsylvania:

Although Lackawanna College does not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of this time, we continue to closely monitor the situation both around our locations as well as in the areas from which our students commute and live.

Out of an abundance of concern for the continued good health of all members of our community, the College is extending spring break by a week with classes to resume on Monday, March 23. A notice informing our students will soon follow my note to you.

Certain on-campus programs will continue to take place on a case-by-case basis, and participants in those programs will receive communications from the College.

This additional week will allow College Leadership the ability to continue to meet regularly to take proactive steps to minimize exposure and risk for our main campus and satellite centers. The administration continues to review the rapidly changing situation, to consult the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and to update the College’s plan as necessary.

As of right now, the College administrative operations will continue and staff will report to work as usual. As a reminder, the College strongly encourages employees who are not feeling well to stay home and focus on getting better.

The College will also be tightening its policy on nonessential activities and events and will be making those decisions in the days to come.

We recognize that any adjustment to academic schedules is disruptive to students and their families and we do not come to these decisions lightly. The health and safety of our entire community is our top priority, and we will continue to communicate with all stakeholders as plans are updated.

Please follow https://lackawanna.edu/coronavirus for the most up-to-date information.