Lackawanna College has assembled information about student outcomes, student financial assistance, health and safety, intercollegiate athletics and general information. The College is pleased to provide this information as part of its response to the Summary of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) reauthorized in 2008.
Academic Information
Lackawanna College offers over 60 different degrees and certifications in a variety of fields that will prepare you for success in the modern workforce. We are an open enrollment, four-year college with a wealth of opportunities for students.
Financial Assistance And Tuition Information
Lackawanna College prides itself on its competitive pricing and high quality. Ninety-five percent of our students qualify for and receive financial aid to help offset costs. You can also see how Lackawanna College compares to other colleges.

Athletic Information
The following information is available to enrolled students, prospective students, and the public upon request:
A report of athletic program participation rates and financial support data. This report details participation rates, financial support, and other information on men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic programs.
To request a copy of this report, please call Erik Larson, Athletic Director, at (570) 961-0700, or send your request in writing to, Lackawanna College, ATTN: Erik Larson, 501 Vine St., Scranton, Pa., 18509.

Health And Safety Information
Lackawanna College is an urban campus located in Scranton, Pa. Our Public Safety office publishes yearly reports about security and fire safety, and crime statistics in accordance with the Clery Act.
Public Safety also complies with Title IX’s requirements for awareness and policies and procedures. More information on our Title IX policies and procedures can be found here.
Public Safety also coordinates the College’s efforts in emergency preparedness and notifications.
Health Insurance Information
Payment of tuition may be deferred if the student has provided a completed Employer Deferment Form signed by the student’s employer. Students are required to pay all fees and any portion of tuition not covered by their employer by the semester due date or at registration.Institutional Information
Lackawanna College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801
(267) 284-5000
Individual degree and certificate programs have received accreditation through:
- Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education
- Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
- National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Accreditation
- Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission
Lackawanna College Policies
The college’s Middle States liaison is Dr. Erica Barone-Pricci, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer
Credit Transfer Policies
Incoming and current Lackawanna College students can transfer certain credits to our institution. Students may choose to transfer credits to a four-year institution after completing coursework at Lackawanna College.
PA TRAC can help students identify degrees and courses that can transfer to other schools.
Student Characteristics
Lackawanna College’s Office of Institutional Research publishes a yearly fact book which contains information regarding our student body. Copies of the fact book can be found in the right-hand margin of this page.
We offer a wide variety of clubs and organizations on campus. Students are also encouraged to register to vote.
Additional information regarding confidentiality of information, facilities and services for student with disabilities, and more can be found in the College’s Student Handbook.
Student identity verification procedures and distance education (PDF)
Student Outcomes Information
Retention And Graduation Reports
For information regarding completion, graduation, retention and transfer rates, visit College Navigator.
Program-specific Outcomes
Professional Licensure Disclosures
SARA Complaint Form
The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts, and territories in the United States, which establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. It is intended to simplify the process of taking online courses for credit offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA is overseen by a national council (NC-SARA) and administered by four regional education compacts.
*asterisks indicate required fields
"*" indicates required fields
Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination Purposes
Lackawanna College is required to designate an employee or department to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining pertinent information related to academic programs, college policies and procedures, enrollment statistics, campus safety, and financial aid information. Lackawanna College has designated the Director of Financial Aid, upon reasonable notice, to provide this information during regular business working hours.
Tonya Williams, MS.Ed, MBA
Director of Student Financial Services
(570) 961-7820